The blog back from the dead

Hello, be(e)loveds! ♥ I’m so sorry if I went MIA in the past couple of months; I faced some major changes, and I needed some time to settle down. Today I just wanted to update you on my situation; I’d like also to tell you what you should expect from my blog from now on. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy reading my latest news. Before starting, allow me to thank you all for your support and being such an amazing community. Your comments, love and presence always make my day! But without-further-ado, let’s begin!

First of all, after a full month here, I can say that I love living in Scotland. It’s gorgeous, full of nature; it reminds me of home. I moved from Italy to take a master’s degree in publishing, and I couldn’t be happier. Honestly, I’m still doubtful; I’m scared of what the future will bring. However, for the first time, I feel like I found the right path for me. Every aspect of the publishing sector fascinates me. I’m learning so much. It would be amazing to enter this world, where people love books (I can guarantee that), and work extremely hard to gift us all those marvellous volumes we all cherish (or ebooks if you prefer). I’d love to talk more about these topics; do you have any particular curiosity?

Let’s talk about my plans for this blog now. I’m going to post at least twice a week, on Monday and Friday. The first one could be any content really: from book reviews, wrap ups, bookish discussions and similar. The latter will be a book tag because I love that kind of format and I usually have fun reading it (also for me they’re useful to find quick book recommendations). I’ll try to create even more contents, but I like to keep my word; so I can’t promise you more and then fail to fulfil my intent.

Please, let me know if you have any more questions; and please, tell me how you have been lately ♥And if you still don’t do it, follow me on Instagram; let’s talk about books. I can’t wait to hear back from you! Until the next adventure,

Lots of love,

Debora ♥

2 thoughts on “The blog back from the dead

  1. Stephen Writes October 16, 2019 / 3:48 pm

    Welcome back! Looking forward to reading more of your posts. Scotland is beautiful.


    • mieldebs November 4, 2019 / 7:48 pm

      Thank you so much! 🙂 Indeed, Scotland can be breathtaking.

      Liked by 1 person

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